Funeral Plans
Taking your final path into your own hands
There are a number of good reasons to take care of the last things in life yourself in good time. Whether it is because you want to be sure that everything is organised in your best interests or because family, relatives or friends are too far away to be able to help. Often it is also the wish to relieve the burden on relatives.
If you decide to take out a free funeral provision contract, you will have the reassuring feeling and certainty that all your wishes regarding the funeral will be taken into account after your death. In addition, your loved ones will receive help, support and relief in these difficult hours.
The services specified in the funeral plan contract are financially secured. Our reputable partner for this is Deutsche Bestattungsvorsorge Treuhand AG, a subsidiary of the Bundesverband Deutscher Bestatter e.V. (Federal Association of German Funeral Directors). of which we are a long-standing member.
The money you pay into a plan for your funeral cannot be claimed by the social welfare office, even if you are in need.
Ask us - we are happy to inform and advise you in a personal meeting: 06174 1345.