Types of Burials
Traditional Burial

A burial in the ground is a traditional form of burial. The deceased is buried in a coffin in a grave in a cemetery. The burial can take place with or without a funeral service.

During cremation, the deceased is placed in a coffin in the crematorium. A funeral service can also be held with the coffin before the cremation or later with the urn. There are different types of graves depending on the cemetery: classic urn graves with plants or slabs, urn walls, low-maintenance tree or meadow graves, anonymous urn graves.
Woodland Burial

Become one with nature. The FriedWald offers this alternative to the cemetery - burial directly in nature. The ashes of the deceased are buried in a biodegradable urn in the roots of a tree. Some towns and municipalities also offer burials in their own burial forests.
Burial at Sea

In a burial at sea, the ashes of the deceased are buried in a special sea urn in the North Sea, Baltic Sea or one of the world's oceans. If desired, relatives can attend the funeral on the ship. Our long-standing partners are the Seebestattung Reederei Albrecht and the Deutsche See-Bestattungs-Genossenschaft e.G.
Sternenkinder - "Star Children"

Star children are children who have died before, during or soon after birth. A painful journey for parents. For a fond farewell there are star children's graves or beautiful grounds that are intended for children.
Oase der Ewigkeit - Oasis of Eternity

The "Oase der Ewigkeit" offers individual burials in Germany and Switzerland.
Alternative Bestattungen
We would be happy to inform you personally about alternative options, such as diamond or crystal burials and space or balloon burials.